Thursday 10 December 2009

Globalisatio, Suistainability and the Media

Some definitions
Hegemony is the power over the whole comunity
Globalization is the extension of free market
Socialist, communist utopia, globalization unite the world through technology, socially politically etc ONE COMMON CULTURE
Capitalist removal of restrictions
Globalization refers to 'westernisation' the term is becoming more popular.
Cultural globalization world wide corporations, McDonalds, Coca- cola, footballetc
Sociologist Goerge Ritzer coined the term 'McDonaldization'to describe the wide ranging sociocultural processes as Mc Donalds is dominating

Stanford Encyclopedia of philosophy

Marshall McLuhan predicted (before the invention of internet, 1964) that with new technology we have extended out central nervous system in a global embrace. i.e radio extenuates our ear (sound) and TV our eye (sight) and sound. This enables a 'global village'
The internet has actually enabled this to happen. (we were able to view 9/11 as it happened, if we were at a computer/TV)

JiHad vs McWorld
Centripetal forces- bring the world together in uniform global society. The book inclueds ideologies of religious nationalism and globalization, local capitalism.
The new cold war, two countries forced to clash.
Religious Nationalism

Some problems with globalization
challenges to the idea of the nation- state
City identity
Cultural imperialism
transnational forces and organization
who controls them???
Well at the moment certain countries over power others (America)

Manfred B. Steger, Globalization: A very short introduction, page 70

What if the 'global village' is run with a certain set of values then it would not be so much an integrated community as an assimilated one.
Argue new form of IMPERIALISM through IDEAS.

Popular media such as newspapers, TV programs etc. often acts in collaboration with military interests.
Media conglomerates operate as OLIGOPOLIES.(An American model)
one company can own a lot of media ad so inflict their views on the unaware readers.e.g the same american company owns Warner Brothers, HBO, CNN, Cartoon network, Sports illustrated. and lots more.

News corporations divide world into 'territories' of descending 'market importance'
1. North America
2 Western Europe, Japan and Astralia.
3. Developing countries, India, Brazil, China
4. Rest of the world
As the media channels into flow out into smaller places, the quality decresses
Local cultures are destroyed with new forms of cultural dependency
US media power can be thought of as a new form of Imperialism

Local cultures destroyed in this process and new forms of cultural dependency shaped, mirroring old school colonialism.
Side effects
other countries inspire to be like the white western model. Hence why sales of skin whitening creams have gone up.

Chomsky and Herman (1998) the mass media is a giant proper gander to trick people into the 'american way'.
Filter stop us getting an accurate representation of the world.
Rupert Murdock is an Australian business man who own lot of media in England such as 'News of the wold, the sun, the sunday times, fox tv, sky and lots of other.'
Adverts have pride of place in newspaper/magazines not the news informing stories, like you would think.
Sourcing (News reporters are not every where so they are placed on sites where news is expected to happen i.e 10 Downing street)
Flak, Negative response to news stories GCC buying off scientists to control media output. ( I'm shocked the scientists allowed this to happen)
Anti Ideologies
Used to repress difference
quell opposition
A domination of ideas and total domination ideas in the world. Incressing profit with no consideration for the world and other people.
People are realizing this control the media has.

Still, despite scientific fact of Global Warming an American Senitor says its a hoaxes. Also Nigel Lawson says it's a propagandist term.

Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs of the future.

BIOX Biofule plant,Canada
Marketed with the impression that it is a green fule for cars with no pollution and renewable efficiency. A very positive product with safe environmental practice in mind.
However what the company don't say... Plant built on a designated green space!!! Harmful gases and chemicals are stored near too poor residents homes. Lots of noise pollution. Actually the plant courses many negative social and enviromental effects, the opposite to what is being preached.

GREEN WASHING this term is used to describe how the media ideologies to make the big companies seem more environmental.
I.e using green imagery/ grass/ plants and natural vegetation on boxes.
useing 'eco friendly' terminology
Mc Donald's sign painted green

Eco boost cars
Kimberly Clark tissue paper and nappies
Globalization capitalist can never be sustainable!!

Thursday 3 December 2009

Reality, Virtuality, Hyperreality

Key Precursors
Jean Baudrillard (1929-2007) he was a philosopher, social theorist and photographer who is associated with the movement of 'structuralism' and 'post structrisum'
Karl Marx a philosopher and critical who studied how society and culture is ran. 'Critique of political economy' Thought through the capitalist implication on society, the use and value.
Exchange-Value, products became commodities, we are expected to believe commodities are of high and low montary value
Labour theory of value

Fredinand Saussure, a swiss linguist, came up with the theory of sign. Also the theory of Linguistic value.

Guy Debord therist and film maker image bond culture 'Society of the spectacle'

Marshall was a literary Scholar and educator

Georges Bataile looked at ideas of ritual and sacrifice in society
and thought or art as a way of which to demonstrate society.

Marchel Mauss developed the theorey of 'gift'

Jean Baudrilard

Simulacra and Simulation context, Vietnam war, situationism, raise of consumerism and mass media,, Colonialism end, Cold war, Watergate Scandal, Rise of terrorism.

Jorges Luis Borges

Plato (that cave image) Bastardisation of reality

Pure Simulacrum, the appearance of simulation which has no profound reality.

Interesting, that disney 'Disneyification' actually has no originality it is all copies. i.g snow white, cartoon developed from German folk tale by meny illustrators. The castle from the cartoon is then replicated again in disneyland france, america.

Baudrillad foucaults panoptic model does not offer best solution

Matrix- post modernism, example of virtual reality in the real world.

Bladerunner, (i still have not seen it!) apparently is a classic example of post- modernistic film making- hyper reality

History becoming simulacrum- Written books, simulated sketches and remastered video.

Psychoanalysis: the architecture of the self

Today's lecture took me back to my A levels (The science of mind and behavior by Richard Gross), it just goes to show you that psychology comes into everything, even graphic design.
Anyway these are some of the notes from the lecture...
Psychoanalysis, theories of what we think relating to how we act/behave.
According to Freud, the human subject only comes into being through repressio. Selfhood is ths fractured precariously between conscious and unconscious.
We are all brought up to show and behave in a particular way.
Conscious 'EGO' this is what we show others
Unconscious 'SUPEREGO' moral and social lies beneath surface, our conscience that keeps us doing what we think is good and represses the ID
ID is our desires (Sex, pain, death)

Trauma, the example shown is of the simpsons episode Hurricane Flanders, The character Ned has an incident that results in him losing his SUPEREGO control and his ID uncontrollably takes over.

Psychoanalysis and media
To fulfill desires in controlled environment. computer games desire to kill/hurt
Acording to Fred the desire to hurt stems from secondary death drive

Winnicott 1951 OBJECT RELATIONS we invest emotional energy in inanimate object. This behavior starts as a child a blanket 'transitional object' is associated with safety and security. Therefore with you are with it you feel content.

Object relations are used in advertising, replacing one object for another based on desires.

The gaze, theories and idea based on the power of looking

Laura Mulvey 'Visual Pleasures and Narrative Cinema' ( 1975)
In western film, men drive the plot and own 'the gaze'
The female cast are often directed by a male

Freud: SCOPOPHYLIA (the pleasure of looking at bodies as objects)
suture lookinf through eyes of actor with out guilt

Peep show, suture/point of view gaze

Understanding Media Ideology

Media Ideology is a system of ideas and beliefs by philosophers such as Marxist on media subjects.
Ideas are presented in false, masked ways, false conscientiousness. Presented to give us a masked view, Propaganda!
In the UK critical definition of ideology.
Citch- throw away culture.
Ideology- system of ideas false that covers up bad things in the world.
Capitalism- opposite to socialism and Communism.
System where products are boughtand sold.
first system to use money
encourages competitiveness
proletariat working class produces commodities to be sold
Marxism political manifesto, communism, everyone is equal, utopian values, society determined by human behavior. Without corruption (i.e what happened in Russia)I think in theory communism works better then capitalism. I would like to visit Cuba to see for myself.

Marx's concept of base/ superstructure
BASE forces of production- materials tools, workers, production line. relations employer, class, master, slave
SUPERSTRUCTURE social institutions- legal political cultural. can strenghen the base.

Capitalist system drive to constantly grow
superstructure the state

Pyramid diagram
Rulers- The goverment, politicians, kings- working on behalf of the privileged, rich
Church- mask over class divisions
agentsof the stae- army
The Bourgeoisie- business owners "fat cats"
The Proletariat- Workforce 'plebs'

Ideology- Berger- "ways of seeing (1972)
The media is patriarchal- Men are thinkers, Women appear

Althusser (1970) Economic Base
superstructure- political
ideology w buy into it, ot offers false solutions
Interpellation, sex drives

Ideological state apparatus- the media creates a false consciousness the individual is produced by nature, the subject by culture (Fishe, 1992)

Newspapers- coded forms of language. News discourse, media semiotics (J, Bingnall)
The Sun joined labour during the miners strike when labour was high in popularity, now it's in favour of conservative.
The Times born from a social area of privilege, Ties font- symbolic of brtishness
Star- spoken language less iconography, abbreviation, start to instruct
(personally i read 'the observer', because i think it is written in a less 'controlling' way)

1978 what we are is interchangeable real distinction between people are by what we own false assumption of what we are by what we buy. Garbage of new york (buying into city culture and associations) I have to admit I'm guilty of doing this, buying expensive/designer hand bag because it pretty and i know the associations and assumptions people will have of it.

Actually it's marketing and graphic design that 'tricks' us into commodity and commodity fetishism instead of forming direct relations.

Frankfurit school- critical theory, Institute of social research.
Invented approach to society- critical theory
Adorno, Horkheimer, Marcuse, Lowenthal.
Applys Marxist ideology to 20th Century
culture idustrey, identical to each other
buissness driven
"mass culture numbs the mind?"
de politicizes the lower class?
examples Xfactor/ Bigbrother (is pretty much the same every year because it is controlled, what happens, whos picked to go in etc)
The lower class audition and go on to these programs, these 'characters' are then relocatable to the 'targeted' audience, other lower class viewers. So therefore the viewers feel they can inspire to be these people portrayed on TV.

Authentic culture
European (America will never have authentic culture because they killed all the native Americans and so lost their only culture)
Example Dvorak New world symphony Authentic, once applied to advert, it loses its authenticity and becomes mass culture.

Pop music is standardized, pre digest, easy to consume.
Two effects
courses us to alter our behaviour
emotional adjustment.Pastiche

Sao Palo has band advertising

These are just the views of philosophers, maybe right or wrong but i think it good to question these control systems in society so we can prevent and act when people are being exploited etc.

Panopticism TASK 1

I suppose an example of panopticism would be...
To try and prevent people for steeling, sometimes CCTVS with large TV monitors are installed to instantly record as you enter a high street shop. As you can see yourself on screen this makes you feel very aware that you are being watched and wonder where else they'll be watching you. As a child, with out this understanding I just saw the monitor as a bit of fun and an excuse to pull a funny face into the camera. However seeing the monitor/CCTV now, i think does make me feel quite self conscious. I would never steel, but the CCTV almost makes you feel that you are being accused of intending to steel from the shop. I think if your desperate enough to steel your going to do it, with or with knowing the risk of being watched and caught.

Panopticism (Contemporary society and surveillance)

According to philosopher Michel Foucault, panopticism is an induced self regulatory state of consciousness that is created by a hierarchical institute onto the mass public. This state is used to make people aware of thought that they might be being watched and so feel that they have to conform or face punishment.
Some principles of panopticon...
Michel Foucault, a panopticism theorist developed the concept of 'Disciplinary Society'. His books include 'Madness and Civilisation' 'Discipline and Punish'

1791 the panopticism uses the building Madness and civilisation
Great confinement HOUSES OF CORRECTION. These were labour houses thought to contain and therefore 'control' unfortunate people such as criminals, beggars, homeless, unemployed etc. These houses were built with the positive impression that they would help 'correct' these people. Actually, in reality the building was more like a prison, with the purpose to hide away the 'unwanted'. Prisoners had no moral fiber and as result the prisoners abused each other and the building 'project' coursed more unnecessary hardship then the positive, correction that was originally intended.

Forms of correction POWER HIERACHY
In the past discipline was a physical and public act. such as stocks, hanging, humiliation and even public execution. Now discipline and control is more mental with 'mind games' as mental control is more effective. School is a good example, in the past the cane was used to control, the child associates bad behavior with a painful consequence. Now schools have a rewards scheme, so the child associates good behavior with something nice.

designed by Jeremy Bentham

prisoners are isolated and constantly monitored, although guards are unseen so eventually the prisoner controls themselves and learns to subconsciously regulate themselves. This is down to the fear of the consequence of being found out and caught.

To be successful we self regulate, not just prisoners. Docile bodies, submissive, ready to learn.
Gyms because government wants us to be healthy, work longer, be more productive.

Panoptican is a model that uses training through fear.
Faucalt and Power- Panoptically subvert power.
Where there is power there is also resistance!

Modern day panopticism power and surveillance through 'training of the mind'.

Examples open plan office- the boss can watch all workers 'the office' comedy series.
Bars and clubs power of customers
google maps panoptic surveilance.
The un viewed student records give tutors power over students
cctv moniters on mass scale
speed cameras
George Orwell's BIG BROTHER