Thursday 3 December 2009

Panopticism (Contemporary society and surveillance)

According to philosopher Michel Foucault, panopticism is an induced self regulatory state of consciousness that is created by a hierarchical institute onto the mass public. This state is used to make people aware of thought that they might be being watched and so feel that they have to conform or face punishment.
Some principles of panopticon...
Michel Foucault, a panopticism theorist developed the concept of 'Disciplinary Society'. His books include 'Madness and Civilisation' 'Discipline and Punish'

1791 the panopticism uses the building Madness and civilisation
Great confinement HOUSES OF CORRECTION. These were labour houses thought to contain and therefore 'control' unfortunate people such as criminals, beggars, homeless, unemployed etc. These houses were built with the positive impression that they would help 'correct' these people. Actually, in reality the building was more like a prison, with the purpose to hide away the 'unwanted'. Prisoners had no moral fiber and as result the prisoners abused each other and the building 'project' coursed more unnecessary hardship then the positive, correction that was originally intended.

Forms of correction POWER HIERACHY
In the past discipline was a physical and public act. such as stocks, hanging, humiliation and even public execution. Now discipline and control is more mental with 'mind games' as mental control is more effective. School is a good example, in the past the cane was used to control, the child associates bad behavior with a painful consequence. Now schools have a rewards scheme, so the child associates good behavior with something nice.

designed by Jeremy Bentham

prisoners are isolated and constantly monitored, although guards are unseen so eventually the prisoner controls themselves and learns to subconsciously regulate themselves. This is down to the fear of the consequence of being found out and caught.

To be successful we self regulate, not just prisoners. Docile bodies, submissive, ready to learn.
Gyms because government wants us to be healthy, work longer, be more productive.

Panoptican is a model that uses training through fear.
Faucalt and Power- Panoptically subvert power.
Where there is power there is also resistance!

Modern day panopticism power and surveillance through 'training of the mind'.

Examples open plan office- the boss can watch all workers 'the office' comedy series.
Bars and clubs power of customers
google maps panoptic surveilance.
The un viewed student records give tutors power over students
cctv moniters on mass scale
speed cameras
George Orwell's BIG BROTHER

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